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Introducing the new Tractable values!

We’re delighted to announce the launch of Tractable's new values! With our company's tenth anniversary drawing near, we gathered input from across our organization to develop values that will empower us to take on the next decade at Tractable.

We’re delighted to announce the launch of our new Tractable values!

Why do we care about values?

For companies that do it well, values can be a key differentiating factor. They guide how strategy is set and how teams work and collaborate. They appear throughout the employee lifecycle, influencing hiring, reward, promotions, and engagement. They’re a part of everyday language, fostering a sense of belonging and acting as a compass when faced with tough decisions or trade-offs. We believe that having relevant and impactful values in place is an opportunity for us at Tractable to succeed together and reach our potential.

Why change our values now?

2024 is the year that we will hit our tenth Tractable anniversary. With such a significant milestone just around the corner, it felt like the perfect time to stop and reflect on our journey. In particular, we wanted to analyse our successes, failures, and the values that have accompanied us through this past decade and, ultimately, whether these values will set us up for success over the next decade.

How did we do it?

Values are for everyone, so we felt strongly that every team member should have the opportunity to have input into our company values.

We started with a set of principles we wanted to hold ourselves accountable to and created a cross-functional working group featuring members of different teams and seniorities who played key roles in the process. We ran a company-wide survey and led numerous focus groups with values ambassadors from across all business areas, founders, and all members of our leadership team. We encouraged open debates and discussions and even a bit of healthy disagreement.

We took our findings and iterated on them until we settled on ten values, which we felt really good about.

What are the new values?

Without further ado, we’re proud to introduce our new values:

How we set the bar

Create raving fans 

Deeply understand our customers and keep them at the heart of our vision. Drive for excellence, and never accept “good enough.”

Face hard truths

See and confront reality as it is, avoiding confirmation bias and groupthink. Never believe you and your team have no shortcomings.

How we execute

Be an owner

Care deeply about what we’re building. Take pride and go the extra mile. 

Start with why

Always keep the goal in mind, work backwards, and never go into autopilot. Get under the hood of problems and avoid preconceptions.

Be bold

Act creatively and courageously. Reason from first principles and attempt big step changes.

Commit; Act; Iterate

Cultivate speed of execution as a habit. Fully commit, act decisively, and learn from each success and failure. 

How we collaborate

Seek diverse perspectives

Debate, challenge and disconfirm beliefs. Seek to hear and understand diverging perspectives.

Cultivate trust

Be dependable and negotiate commitments early. Challenge respectfully and resolve conflict objectively.

Create clarity

Communicate ideas, plans, and risks clearly and concisely. Be honest and transparent. Seek to simplify at every opportunity.

Help colleagues succeed

Support, mentor and help colleagues to achieve our shared goals. Be there for each other.

What’s next?

Now that our values are launched, the real work begins as we embed them into all aspects of our lives at Tractable. We’re already seeing them in action – we recently hosted our first-ever Tractable Values award ceremony, recognising our team for outstanding achievements in line with our values, and are embedding them into all of our people processes. This marks the beginning of another exciting chapter – we can’t wait to see what the next decade holds for us!

If you want to learn more about life at Tractable and opportunities to join our world-class team, check out our open roles at